Australian Zoroastrian Association
A team of our Mobeds will be reciting the Muktad Prayers at AZA Darbe Meher on 6 out of 10 Muktad days in August this year.
All Zoroastrians and their families, AZA members and non-members, are welcome to attend and submit names of their departed relatives to be recited in the Muktad prayers. They are requested to:
1. Submit the name of each departed relative in the following format to Mithi Daver by email () or call her on 0414470410:
For example, Behdin Rustom, Behdin Shapur or Osta Rustom Ervad Shapur
2. A charge of $50 will be levied for up to two departed relatives’ names and $100 for a maximum of up to 6 names. All proceeds (after expenses such as fruits and nuts) will be donated to AZA.
3. If you would like Mithi to purchase flowers for your vase/s, there will be an additional charge of $25. Alternatively, you can prepare your own vase with flowers, and have this ready at the Darbe Meher by 9 AM on 5th August.
4. Arrange to pay Mithi in cash for the prayers and for flowers on or before the first day of prayers i.e. Monday August 5th. If you are unable to give cash to Mithi, you can deposit the amount in the AZA Main Account
BSB: 082-514,
Acc No: 44-227-4084
Please advise Mithi and the AZA Treasurer by email as soon as you have deposited the money.
5.Ensure that your karasyo/vase (labelled with your name) is delivered to Mithi or Pheroza Daruwalla before the muktad days or latest by 8 AM on 5th August, at AZA Darbe Meher.
6.You must collect the karasyo/vase after the prayers conclude.
A note about Muktad in two places: Ervad Ramiyar Karanjia, Principal of Dadar Athornan Institute, has advised that as per our rituals although the vase should be placed only at one place of worship, Muktad prayers for a departed person can be recited in two places.
Ervad Peshotan Katrak
On behalf of AZA Mobeds